Source code for exa.test.tester

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Custom tester class for running interactive (i.e. within the Jupyter notebook
environment) tests.
import os
import sys
from doctest import DocTestFinder, DocTestRunner
from unittest import TestCase, TestLoader, TextTestRunner
from exa.log import loggers
from exa._config import config
from exa.utility import datetime_header, get_internal_modules

logger = loggers['syslog']    # Tests are written to the system log
verbosity = int(config['log']['level'])
verbose = True if verbosity > 0 else False

[docs]class UnitTester(TestCase): ''' The custom tester class which provides an alternative test runner. ''' @classmethod
[docs] def run_interactively(cls, log=False): ''' Run a test suite in a Jupyter notebook environment or shell. Args: log (bool): Write output to a log file instead of to stdout ''' suite = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(cls) if log: result = TextTestRunner(logger.handlers[0].stream, verbosity=verbosity).run(suite) else: result = TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity).run(suite) return result
[docs]def run_doctests(log=False): ''' Run all docstring tests. Args: log (bool): Write test results to system log (default false) ''' def tester(modules, runner, f=None): '''Runs tests for each module.''' results = [] for module in modules: tests = DocTestFinder().find(module) tests.sort(key=lambda test: for test in tests: if test.examples == []: # Skip empty tests pass else: if f: f.write('\n'.join(('-' * 80,, '-' * 80, '\n'))) results.append(, out=f.write)) else: print('\n'.join(('-' * 80,, '-' * 80))) results.append( return results runner = DocTestRunner(verbose=verbose) modules = get_internal_modules() if log: logger.debug('LOGGING DOCTEST') return tester(modules, runner, f=logger.handlers[0].stream) return tester(modules, runner)
[docs]def run_unittests(log=False): ''' Perform (interactive) unit testing logging the results. Args: log (bool): Send results to system log (default False) ''' tests = UnitTester.__subclasses__() if log: logger.debug('LOGGING UNITTEST') return [test.run_interactively(log=log) for test in tests]