Source code for exa.test.test_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Basic Tests
Tests for :mod:`~exa._config`, :mod:`~exa.log`, and the suite of modules in the
test subpackage, :mod:`~exa.test.tester`, etc.
from unittest import TestCase
from configparser import ConfigParser
import exa.test
from exa._config import config
from exa.test import UnitTester
from exa.log import loggers

[docs]class TestConfig(UnitTester): '''Tests for :mod:`~exa._config`.'''
[docs] def test_type(self): ''' Check that the config is a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` object. ''' self.assertIsInstance(config, ConfigParser)
[docs]class TestLog(UnitTester): '''Tests for :mod:`~exa.log`.'''
[docs] def test_logger(self): '''Check that at least dblog and syslog are present in the loggers.''' self.assertIn('dblog', loggers) self.assertIn('syslog', loggers)
[docs]class TestTester(UnitTester): '''Tests for :mod:`~exa.test.tester`.'''
[docs] def test_type(self): '''Ensure that the tester is an instance of a test case.''' self.assertIsInstance(self, TestCase)
[docs] def test_runners_present(self): '''Test that the runners have been imported.''' self.assertIn('run_unittests', dir(exa.test)) self.assertIn('run_doctests', dir(exa.test))