Source code for exa.relational.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Database Engine Configuration
This module provides the base classes and metaclasses for relational tables
created by exa. It also provides the database engine configuration and session
class factory.
import atexit
import pandas as pd
from sys import getsizeof
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from numbers import Integral
from datetime import datetime
from contextlib import contextmanager
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import as_declarative, declared_attr, DeclarativeMeta
from exa._config import config
from exa.log import loggers

[docs]def generate_hexuid(): '''Create a unique, random, hex string id.''' return uuid4().hex
[docs]def cleanup_engine(): '''At exit, cleanup connection pool.''' engine.dispose()
[docs]def scoped_session(*args, **kwargs): '''Safely commit relational objects.''' session = session_factory(*args, **kwargs) try: yield session session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs]class BaseMeta(DeclarativeMeta): ''' This is the base metaclass for all relational tables. It provides convient lookup methods, bulk insert methods, and conversions to other formats. '''
[docs] def get_by_pkid(cls, pkid): '''Select an object by pkid.''' return session_factory().query(cls).get(pkid)
[docs] def get_by_name(cls, name): '''Select objects by name.''' return session_factory().query(cls).filter( == name).all()
[docs] def get_by_uid(cls, uid): '''Select an object by hexuid (as string)''' hexuid = uid if isinstance(uid, UUID): hexuid = uid.hex return session_factory().query(cls).filter(cls.hexuid == hexuid).one()
[docs] def bulk_insert(cls, mappings): ''' Perform a `bulk insert`_ into a specific table. .. code-block:: Python mappings = [{'column1': 'foo', 'column2': 42, 'column3': 'bar'}, {'column1': 'fop', 'column2': 43, 'column3': 'baz'}] Table.bulk_insert(mappings) .. _bulk insert: ''' with scoped_session() as session: session.bulk_insert_mappings(cls, mappings)
[docs] def to_frame(cls): ''' Dump the table to a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object. Warning: If performing this action on a very large table, may raise a memory error. It is almost always more effective to query the table for the specific records of interest. ''' statement = session_factory().query(cls).statement df = pd.read_sql(statement, engine) if 'pkid' in df: df = df.set_index('pkid').sort_index() return df
def __getitem__(cls, key): ''' Custom getter allows for the following convenient syntax: .. code-block:: Python exa.relational.File[1] # Gets file with pkid == 1 exa.relational.File['name'] # Gets file with name == 'name' exa.relational.Isotope['H'] # Gets isotopes with symbol == 'H' exa.relational.Isotope['12C'] # Gets isotope with strid == '12C' exa.relational.Length['m', 'km'] # Gets conversion factor meters to kilometers ''' obj = None if hasattr(cls, '_getitem'): # First try using custom getter obj = cls._getitem(key) if obj is None: # Fall back to default getters if isinstance(key, Integral): return cls.get_by_pkid(key) elif isinstance(key, UUID): return cls.get_by_uid(key) elif isinstance(key, str): return cls.get_by_name(key) else: raise KeyError('Unknown key ({0}).'.format(key)) return obj
@as_declarative(metaclass=BaseMeta) class Base: ''' Base class for all relational tables. These classes behave as both the definition of the table (the schema) as well as an object instance (in a Python environment) of an entry (row) in the table. ''' pkid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__.lower() def to_series(self): ''' Create a series object from the given record entry. ''' s = pd.Series(self.__dict__) del s['_sa_instance_state'] return s def _save_record(self): ''' Save the current object's relational information. ''' session = session_factory(expire_on_commit=False) session.add(self) session.commit() def __repr__(self): return '{0}(pkid: {1})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.pkid) # These are so-called "mix-in" classes that add specific fields to a table
[docs]class Name: '''Name and description fields.''' name = Column(String) description = Column(String)
[docs]class HexUID: '''Hex-based unique id (uid) field.''' hexuid = Column(String(32), default=generate_hexuid) @property def uid(self): return UUID(self.hexuid)
[docs]class Time: '''Timestamp fields.''' created = Column(DateTime, modified = Column(DateTime, accessed = Column(DateTime,, def _update_accessed(self): self.accessed = def _update_modified(self): self.modified =
[docs]class Size: '''Approximate size (on disk) and file count fields.''' size = Column(Integer) nfiles = Column(Integer) def _update(self): self.size = getsizeof(self)
logger = loggers['dblog'] engine = create_engine(config['db']['uri']) session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=engine)