Source code for exa._config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
This module generates the "~/.exa" directory where all databases, logs, notebooks,
and data reside. This configuration may be altered by editing the items below:

    - data: Path to the data directory (default ~/.exa/data)
    - notebooks: Path to the notebooks directory (default ~/.exa/notebooks)

    - nlogs: Number of log files to rotate
    - nbytes: Max log file size (in bytes)
    - syslog: System log file path
    - dblog: Database log file path (if necessary)
    - level: Logging level, 0: normal, 1: extra info, 2: debug

    - uri: String URI for database connection
    - update: If 1, refresh static database data (e.g. unit conversions)

    - update: If 1, update JavaScript notebook extensions

    The configuration file (~/.exa/config) should only be altered when no exa
    notebooks are running (i.e. exa or any of its related packages are imported).
import os
import sys
import atexit
import platform
import configparser
import warnings
import shutil
from exa.utility import mkp

[docs]def save(): ''' Save the configuration file to disk on exit, resetting update flags. Warning: This is a bit unsafe because we are not guarenteed to hit the updating function during execution (that is what well written tests are for - use **mock**), but it is advantageous in the case that multiple packages that use exa are running simultaneously. ''' del config['dynamic'] # Delete dynamically assigned configuration options with open(config_file, 'w') as f: config.write(f)
[docs]def set_update(): ''' Set update flags. ''' config['paths']['update'] = '1' config['js']['update'] = '1' config['db']['update'] = '1'
[docs]def del_update(): ''' Reset update flags. ''' config['paths']['update'] = '0' config['js']['update'] = '0' config['db']['update'] = '0'
config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Application configuration if platform.system().lower() == 'windows': # Get exa's root directory home = os.getenv('USERPROFILE') else: home = os.getenv('HOME') root = mkp(home, '.exa', mk=True) # Make exa root directory config_file = mkp(root, 'config') # Config file path pkg = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Package source path if os.path.exists(config_file): # Read in existing config else:, '_static', 'config')) # Read in default config # paths if config['paths']['data'] == 'None': config['paths']['data'] = mkp(root, 'data', mk=True) if config['paths']['notebooks'] == 'None': config['paths']['notebooks'] = mkp(root, 'notebooks', mk=True) shutil.copyfile(mkp(pkg, '_static', 'exa_demo.ipynb'), mkp(root, 'notebooks', 'exa_demo.ipynb')) if config['paths']['update'] == '1': shutil.copyfile(mkp(pkg, '_static', 'exa_demo.ipynb'), mkp(root, 'notebooks', 'exa_demo.ipynb')) atexit.register(del_update) #log if config['log']['syslog'] == 'None': config['log']['syslog'] = mkp(root, 'sys.log') if config['log']['dblog'] == 'None': config['log']['dblog'] = mkp(root, 'db.log') # db if config['db']['uri'] == 'None': config['db']['uri'] = 'sqlite:///' + mkp(root, 'exa.sqlite') # SQLite by default # dynamically allocated configurations (these are deleted before saving) config['dynamic'] = {} config['dynamic']['pkgdir'] = pkg config['dynamic']['exa_root'] = root nb = 'false' try: import numba nb = 'true' except ImportError: pass config['dynamic']['numba'] = nb config['dynamic']['cuda'] = 'false' if config['dynamic']['numba'] == 'true': try: from numba import cuda if len(cuda.devices.gpus) > 0: config['dynamic']['cuda'] = 'true' except Exception: pass config['dynamic']['notebook'] = 'false' try: cfg = get_ipython().config if 'IPKernelApp' in cfg: config['dynamic']['notebook'] = 'true' except NameError: pass