Source code for exa.widget

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Exa Analytics Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0
Functionality for using Jupyter notebook extensions to visualize data speficic
containers. This module requires the infrastructure provided by the `traitlets`_
and `ipywidgets`_ packages.

.. _traitlets:
.. _ipywidgets:
import os
import atexit
import shutil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ipywidgets import DOMWidget
from notebook import install_nbextension
from notebook.nbextensions import jupyter_data_dir
from traitlets import Unicode, Integer
from exa._config import config, del_update
from exa.utility import mkp

[docs]class Widget(DOMWidget): ''' Base widget class for Jupyter notebook widgets provided by exa. Standardizes bidirectional communication handling between notebook extensions' frontend JavaScript and backend Python. ''' width = Integer(850).tag(sync=True) height = Integer(500).tag(sync=True) fps = Integer(24).tag(sync=True) def _handle_custom_msg(self, message, callback): ''' Recieve and handle messages from notebook extensions ("frontend"). ''' #raise NotImplementedError('Handling custom message from JS not ready') print(message.keys()) typ = message['type'] content = message['content'] # Logic to handle various types of messages... if typ == 'image': self._handle_image(content) def _repr_html_(self): self._ipython_display_()
[docs]class ContainerWidget(Widget): ''' Jupyter notebook widget representation of an exa Container. The widget accepts a (reference to a) container and parameters and creates a suitable display. By default a container displays an interactive graphic containing information provided by :func:`` and :func:``. See Also: :mod:`~exa.container`, :mod:`~exa.relational.container` ''' _view_module = Unicode('nbextensions/exa/container').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('ContainerView').tag(sync=True) gui_width = Integer(250).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, container, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.container = container self.params = {'save_dir': '', 'file_name': ''}
[docs]def install_notebook_widgets(pkg_nbext, sys_nbext, verbose=False): ''' Convenience wrapper around :py:func:`~notebook.install_nbextension` that organizes notebook extensions for exa and related packages in a systematic fashion. Args: pkg_nbext (str): Path to the "_nbextension" directory in the source sys_nbext (str): Path to the system "nbextensions" directory verbose (bool): Verbose installation ''' try: shutil.rmtree(sys_nbext) except FileNotFoundError: pass for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(pkg_nbext): for filename in files: subdir = root.split('_nbextension')[-1] orig = mkp(root, filename) dest = mkp(sys_nbext, subdir, mk=True) install_nbextension(orig, verbose=verbose, overwrite=True, nbextensions_dir=dest)
if config['js']['update'] == '1': verbose = True if config['log']['level'] != '0' else False pkg_nbext = mkp(config['dynamic']['pkgdir'], '_nbextension') sys_nbext = mkp(jupyter_data_dir(), 'nbextensions', 'exa') install_notebook_widgets(pkg_nbext, sys_nbext, verbose) atexit.register(del_update)